Pay down your mortgage faster

Flexible mortgage payment features to help pay the way you want to

You're got options

Pine offers several privileges with any mortgage product you have that can help you save on interest costs and pay down your mortgage more quickly.

Annual 20% lump sum payment

Each year*, you can pay up to 20% of your original loan amount (applied to your principal balance) on any regular payment date. Minimum payment amount is $1,000.

Annual 20% payment increase

Each year*, you can choose to increase your regular payment by up to 20% (increased amount applies to your principal balance).

Accelerated payment

Pay 13 months of payments in a 12-month period. By increasing each mortgage payment slightly throughout the year (calculated on what you pay per month), you can pay down your principal more quickly.

*A year begins and ends with the date that you first secured or renewed your mortgage.

Flexibility in how you pay your mortgage

Life and finances can change during your mortgage term, so you may want to adjust how frequently you pay. Pine gives you the flexibility to amend your payment frequency.

Payment frequency: update how often you pay your mortgage — monthly, semi-monthly, accelerated semi-monthly, bi-weekly, accelerated bi-weekly, weekly or accelerated weekly.

Explore the rate that's right for you

Find the right mortgage, for your budget and you.

house with keys. Mortgage payment calculator

Mortgage payment calculator

Use this tool to help calculate your monthly mortage payments.

Small piggybank on top of stacks of cash. Mortgage affordability calculator

Affordability calculator

Use this tool to estimate how much mortgage you can afford

House being refinanced for more equity calculator

Refinance calculator

Want a lower interest rate or to tap into your equity? Refinancing might be for you